





在1.4版本之前go的协程栈管理使用分段栈机制实现。实现方式:当检测到函数需要更多栈时,分配一块新栈,旧栈和新栈使用指针连接起来,函数返回就释放。 这样的机制存在2个问题:

  • 多次循环调用同一个函数会出现“hot split”问题,例子:stacksplit.go

  • 每次分配和释放都要额外消耗




  • 扩容和缩容的触发条件是什么?
  • 扩容和缩容的大小如何计算出来?
  • 扩容和缩容这个过程做了什么?对性能是否有影响?


 1func newstack() {
 2    thisg := getg()
 3    ......
 4    gp := thisg.m.curg
 5    ......
 6    // Allocate a bigger segment and move the stack.
 7    oldsize := gp.stack.hi - gp.stack.lo
 8    newsize := oldsize * 2 // 比原来大一倍
 9    ......
10    // The goroutine must be executing in order to call newstack,
11    // so it must be Grunning (or Gscanrunning).
12    casgstatus(gp, _Grunning, _Gcopystack) //修改协程状态
14    // The concurrent GC will not scan the stack while we are doing the copy since
15    // the gp is in a Gcopystack status.
16    copystack(gp, newsize, true) //在下面会讲到
17    ......
18    casgstatus(gp, _Gcopystack, _Grunning)
19    gogo(&gp.sched)



 1func shrinkstack(gp *g) {
 2    gstatus := readgstatus(gp)
 3    ......
 4    oldsize := gp.stack.hi - gp.stack.lo
 5    newsize := oldsize / 2 // 比原来小1倍
 6    // Don't shrink the allocation below the minimum-sized stack
 7    // allocation.
 8    if newsize < _FixedStack {
 9        return
10    }
11    // Compute how much of the stack is currently in use and only
12    // shrink the stack if gp is using less than a quarter of its
13    // current stack. The currently used stack includes everything
14    // down to the SP plus the stack guard space that ensures
15    // there's room for nosplit functions.
16    avail := gp.stack.hi - gp.stack.lo
17    //当已使用的栈占不到总栈的1/4 进行缩容
18    if used := gp.stack.hi - gp.sched.sp + _StackLimit; used >= avail/4 {
19        return
20    }
22    copystack(gp, newsize, false) //在下面会讲到



 1func copystack(gp *g, newsize uintptr, sync bool) {
 2    ......
 3    old := gp.stack
 4    ......
 5    used := old.hi - gp.sched.sp
 7    // allocate new stack
 8    new := stackalloc(uint32(newsize))
 9    ......
10    // Compute adjustment.
11    var adjinfo adjustinfo
12    adjinfo.old = old
13    adjinfo.delta = new.hi - old.hi //用于旧栈指针的调整
15    //后面有机会和 select / chan 一起分析
16    // Adjust sudogs, synchronizing with channel ops if necessary.
17    ncopy := used
18    if sync {
19        adjustsudogs(gp, &adjinfo)
20    } else {
21        ......
22        adjinfo.sghi = findsghi(gp, old)
24        // Synchronize with channel ops and copy the part of
25        // the stack they may interact with.
26        ncopy -= syncadjustsudogs(gp, used, &adjinfo)
27    }
28    //把旧栈数据复制到新栈
29    // Copy the stack (or the rest of it) to the new location
30    memmove(unsafe.Pointer(new.hi-ncopy), unsafe.Pointer(old.hi-ncopy), ncopy)
32    // Adjust remaining structures that have pointers into stacks.
33    // We have to do most of these before we traceback the new
34    // stack because gentraceback uses them.
35    adjustctxt(gp, &adjinfo)
36    adjustdefers(gp, &adjinfo)
37    adjustpanics(gp, &adjinfo)
38    ......
39    // Swap out old stack for new one
40    gp.stack = new
41    gp.stackguard0 = new.lo + _StackGuard // NOTE: might clobber a preempt request
42    gp.sched.sp = new.hi - used
43    gp.stktopsp += adjinfo.delta
44    // Adjust pointers in the new stack.
45    gentraceback(^uintptr(0), ^uintptr(0), 0, gp, 0, nil, 0x7fffffff, adjustframe, noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&adjinfo)), 0)
46    ......
47    //释放旧栈
48    stackfree(old)

在扩容和缩容这个过程中,做了很多调整。从连续栈的实现方式上我们了解到,不管是扩容还是缩容,都重新申请一块新栈,然后把旧栈的数据复制到新栈。协程占用的物理内存完全被替换了,而Go在运行时会把指针保存到内存里面,例如:gp.sched.ctxtgp._defergp._panic,包括函数里的指针。这部分指针值会被转换成整数型uintptr,然后 + delta进行调整。

 1func adjustpointer(adjinfo *adjustinfo, vpp unsafe.Pointer) {
 2    pp := (*uintptr)(vpp)
 3    p := *pp
 4    ......
 5    //如果这个整数型数字在旧栈的范围,就调整
 6    if adjinfo.old.lo <= p && p < adjinfo.old.hi {
 7        *pp = p + adjinfo.delta
 8        ......
 9    }


如果只是想了解栈的扩缩容,上面就够了。这部分深入到细节,没兴趣可以跳过。在了解Frame调整前,先了解下 Stack Frame。Stack Frame :函数运行时占用的内存空间,是栈上的数据集合,它包括:

  • Local variables
  • Saved copies of registers modified by subprograms that could need restoration
  • Argument parameters
  • Return address


  • FP: Frame Pointer

    – Points to the bottom of the argument list

  • SP: Stack Pointer

    – Points to the top of the space allocated for local variables

  • PC: Program Counter

  • LR:Caller's Program Counter

Stack frame layout

 1// (x86)  
 2// +------------------+  
 3// | args from caller |  
 4// +------------------+ <- frame->argp  
 5// |  return address  |  
 6// +------------------+  
 7// |  caller's BP (*) | (*) if framepointer_enabled && varp < sp  
 8// +------------------+ <- frame->varp  
 9// |     locals       |  
10// +------------------+  
11// |  args to callee  |  
12// +------------------+ <- frame->sp

在Go里针对X86和ARM的Stack frame layout会不一样,这里只对X86进行分析。


 1func bb(a *int, aa *int) {
 2	var v1 int
 3	println("v1 before morestack", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v1)))
 5	cc(0)
 7	println("a after morestack", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(a)))
 8	println("aa after morestack", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(aa)))
 9	println("v1 after morestack", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v1)))
12// for morestack
13func cc(i int){
14	i++
15	if i >= 30 {
16		println("morestack done")
17	}else{
18		cc(i)
19	}
22func main()  {
23	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
24	wg.Add(1)
25	go func() {
26		var a, aa int
27		a = 1000
28		aa = 1000
30		println("a before morestack", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&a)))
31		println("aa before morestack", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&aa)))
33		bb(&a, &aa)
34		wg.Done()
35	}()
36	wg.Wait()


1a before morestack 824633925560
2aa before morestack 824633925552
3v1 before morestack 824633925504
4morestack done
5a after morestack 824634142648
6aa after morestack 824634142640
7v1 after morestack 824634142592


  1. 如何确认函数Frame的位置
  2. 如何找到函数参数,变量的指针
  3. 如何确认父函数的Frame


  1func gentraceback(pc0, sp0, lr0 uintptr, gp *g, skip int, pcbuf *uintptr, max int, callback func(*stkframe, unsafe.Pointer) bool, v unsafe.Pointer, flags uint) int {
  2	......
  3	g := getg()
  4	......
  5	if pc0 == ^uintptr(0) && sp0 == ^uintptr(0) { // Signal to fetch saved values from gp.
  6		if gp.syscallsp != 0 {
  7			......
  8		} else {
  9			//运行位置
 10			pc0 = gp.sched.pc
 11			sp0 = gp.sched.sp
 12			......
 13		}
 14	}
 15	nprint := 0
 16	var frame stkframe
 17	frame.pc = pc0
 18	frame.sp = sp0
 19	......
 20	f := findfunc(frame.pc)
 21	......
 22	frame.fn = f
 24	n := 0
 25	for n < max {
 26		......
 27		f = frame.fn
 28		if f.pcsp == 0 {
 29			// No frame information, must be external function, like race support.
 30			// See golang.org/issue/13568.
 31			break
 32		}
 33		......
 34		if frame.fp == 0 {
 35			sp := frame.sp
 36			......
 37			//计算FP
 38			frame.fp = sp + uintptr(funcspdelta(f, frame.pc, &cache))
 39			if !usesLR {
 40				// On x86, call instruction pushes return PC before entering new function.
 41				frame.fp += sys.RegSize
 42			}
 43		}
 44		var flr funcInfo
 45		if topofstack(f, gp.m != nil && gp == gp.m.g0) {
 46			......
 47		} else if usesLR && f.funcID == funcID_jmpdefer {
 48			......
 49		} else {
 50			var lrPtr uintptr
 51			if usesLR {
 52				......
 53			} else {
 54				if frame.lr == 0 {
 55					//获取调用函数的PC值
 56					lrPtr = frame.fp - sys.RegSize
 57					frame.lr = uintptr(*(*sys.Uintreg)(unsafe.Pointer(lrPtr)))
 58				}
 59			}
 60			flr = findfunc(frame.lr)
 61			......
 62		}
 64		frame.varp = frame.fp
 65		if !usesLR {
 66			// On x86, call instruction pushes return PC before entering new function.
 67			frame.varp -= sys.RegSize
 68		}
 69		......
 70		if framepointer_enabled && GOARCH == "amd64" && frame.varp > frame.sp {
 71			frame.varp -= sys.RegSize
 72		}
 73		......
 74		if callback != nil || printing {
 75			frame.argp = frame.fp + sys.MinFrameSize
 76            ......
 77		}
 78		......
 79		//当前为调整frame
 80		if callback != nil {
 81			if !callback((*stkframe)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&frame))), v) {
 82				return n
 83			}
 84		}
 85		......
 86		n++
 87	skipped:
 88		......
 89    //确认父Frame
 90		// Unwind to next frame.
 91		frame.fn = flr
 92		frame.pc = frame.lr
 93		frame.lr = 0
 94		frame.sp = frame.fp
 95		frame.fp = 0
 96		frame.argmap = nil
 97		......
 98	}
 99	......
100	return n


  • 确认当前位置


  • 找出函数信息

函数的参数、变量个数,frame size,file line等信息,编译通过后被保存进执行文件,执行时被加载进内存,这部分数据可以通过PC获取出来:findfunc -> findmoduledatap

1func findmoduledatap(pc uintptr) *moduledata {
2       for datap := &firstmoduledata; datap != nil; datap = datap.next {
3           if datap.minpc <= pc && pc < datap.maxpc {
4               return datap
5           }
6       }
7       return nil
  • 计算FP stack frame
1frame.fp = sp + uintptr(funcspdelta(f, frame.pc, &cache))

SP我们可以理解为函数的顶端,FP是函数的底部,有了SP,缺函数长度(frame size)。其实我们可以根据pcsp获取,因为它已经被映射进了内存,详情请看Go 1.2 Runtime Symbol Information。知道了FP和SP,我们就可以知道函数在协程栈的具体位置。

  • 获取父函数PC指令(LR)
1lrPtr = frame.fp - sys.RegSize
2frame.lr = uintptr(*(*sys.Uintreg)(unsafe.Pointer(lrPtr)))

父函数的PC指令放在了stack frame图的return address位置,我们可以直接拿出来,根据这个指令我们获得父函数的信息。

  • 确认父函数Frame
1frame.fn = flr
2frame.pc = frame.lr
3frame.lr = 0
4frame.sp = frame.fp
5frame.fp = 0
6frame.argmap = nil

从stack frame图可以看到子函数的FP等于父函数SP。知道了父函数的SP和PC,重复上面的步骤就可以找出函数所在整条调用链,我们平时看到panic出现的调用链就是这样出来的。


 1func adjustframe(frame *stkframe, arg unsafe.Pointer) bool {
 2	adjinfo := (*adjustinfo)(arg)
 3	......
 4	f := frame.fn
 5	......
 6	locals, args := getStackMap(frame, &adjinfo.cache, true)
 7	// Adjust local variables if stack frame has been allocated.
 8	if locals.n > 0 {
 9		size := uintptr(locals.n) * sys.PtrSize
10		adjustpointers(unsafe.Pointer(frame.varp-size), &locals, adjinfo, f)
11	}
13	// Adjust saved base pointer if there is one.
14	if sys.ArchFamily == sys.AMD64 && frame.argp-frame.varp == 2*sys.RegSize {
15		......
16		adjustpointer(adjinfo, unsafe.Pointer(frame.varp))
17	}
18	// Adjust arguments.
19	if args.n > 0 {
20		......
21		adjustpointers(unsafe.Pointer(frame.argp), &args, adjinfo, f)
22	}
23	return true

通过gentraceback获取frame在协程栈的准确位置,结合 Stack frame layout,我们就可以知道函数参数argp和变量varp地址。在64位系统,每个指针占用8个字节。以8做为步长,就可得出函数参数和变量里的指针并进行调整。




  • 更多的虚拟内存碎片。尤其是你需要更大的栈时,分配一块连续的内存空间会变得更困难

  • 指针会被限制放入栈。在go里面不允许二个协程的指针相互指向。这会增加实现的复杂性。


这部分数据来自Contiguous stacks

  • 栈增长1倍快了10%,增长50%只快了2%,增长25%慢了20%

  • Hot split性能问题。

 1segmented stacks:
 3no split: 1.25925147s
 4with split: 5.372118558s   <- 出发了 hot split 问题
 5both split: 1.293200571s
 7contiguous stacks:
 9no split: 1.261624848s
10with split: 1.262939769s
11both split: 1.29008309s