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kubectl Usage Conventions

Recommended usage conventions for kubectl.

Using kubectl in Reusable Scripts

For a stable output in a script:

Best Practices

kubectl run

For kubectl run to satisfy infrastructure as code:

Resource api group kubectl command
Pod v1
Replication controller v1
Deployment (deprecated) extensions/v1beta1
Deployment (deprecated) apps/v1beta1
Job (deprecated) batch/v1
CronJob (default) batch/v1beta1
CronJob (deprecated) batch/v2alpha1
Generated Resource Cluster v1.4 and later Cluster v1.3 Cluster v1.2 Cluster v1.1 and earlier
Pod --restart=Never --restart=Never --restart=OnFailure OR --restart=Never
Replication Controller --restart=Always
Deployment --restart=Always --restart=Always --restart=Always N/A
Job --restart=OnFailure --restart=OnFailure --restart=OnFailure OR --restart=Never N/A
Cron Job --schedule=<cron> N/A N/A N/A
--restart=Always, a Deployment is created; if you later specify --restart=Always

To check the final resource that was created, use the --dry-run flag, which provides the object to be submitted to the cluster.

kubectl apply
